Child Development Center hosts 10th anniversary party Sept. 21
The University of St. Thomas Child Development Center invites the campus community to its 10th anniversary celebration.
Planned for friends who have contributed to its success, the center will host the party from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 21, in Foley Plaza. (Rain site is Room 304, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.)
Dr. Mark Dienhart, executive vice president and chief administrative officer, and Jane Canney, vice president for student affairs, will speak at 4 p.m.
Entertainment will include a Brodini Comedy Magic Show, face painters, a giant giraffe moonwalk and the Tesfa Trio Band, starring Dejen Tesfagiorgis, the 2008 Tommie Award winner.
Refreshments and snacks will be served. R.S.V.P. to Colleen Casey Simonson.