Credit union members invited to annual meeting tomorrow
All members of the St. Thomas Employee Federal Credit Union are invited to attend the 2008 annual meeting, to be held from 12:30 to 1 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 14, in the Fireside Room, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
A short business meeting will be conducted with reports by the Supervisory Committee and by the treasurer, as well as refreshments and numerous door prizes.
Membership in the St. Thomas Employee FCU is open to any regular employee of the university and to immediate family members of those employees. To join, fill out and sign a membership card, deposit a minimum of $5 in a share account, and give the credit union a copy of a picture ID (driver's license preferred).
The credit union offers savings (share) accounts and loans at competitive rates. To make both saving and loan paying as easy and convenient as possible, automatic payroll deduction from UST payroll checks are available.
The credit union office will close at noon tomorrow so that staff can prepare for the annual meeting.
For more information stop by the credit union office, Room 209, Loras Hall; call (651) 962-6660; or e-mail the credit union anytime.