Customer-service seminar for St. Thomas employees Aug. 10
The Division of Business Affairs and the Leadership Academy will offer a daylong customer-service seminar for St. Thomas employees, "Take This Job and Love It: Serving Customers, Working Together and Keeping Your Balance," from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10, in Room 100, McNeely Hall.
The seminar will focus on teamwork for customer service and achieving balance in life. When customer service is exceptional in an organization, it's likely that motivation, cooperation and morale are strong, too. Learn simple, practical and powerful tools for achieving "magical" service and a positive work environment. Expect a hands-on, involvement-oriented session and tools you can use on the job as well as every other part of your life.
Sought-after motivational speaker Dr. Alan Zimmerman, president of Zimmerman Communi-Care Network Inc., is the presenter. In 2003 he was named to the National Speakers Association hall of fame. He has a doctorate from the University of Minnesota spent 15 years as a faculty member there and at Emporia State University, Mankato State University and St. Thomas. He founded his speaking, training and consulting business in 1985; his clients have included Northwest Airlines, Honeywell, Prudential, American Express Financial Advisors, 3M and many other organizations.
Coffee and rolls will be available for participants at 7:30 a.m., and a light lunch will be served midday.
Begin online registration here. Click on "Take This Job and Love It," then "Register."