With Lent beginning this Wednesday, the Office for Mission will introduce a series of daily reflections to mark the Lenten season.
The series is one of the first initiatives of Father Larry Snyder, St. Thomas' new vice president of mission.
"People have busy schedules, and planning time each day to mark the Lenten season is something that can easily get overlooked," Father Snyder said. "My hope is that these reflections will provide a way to do that in a fashion that doesn't take a lot of time but helps people start their day with the realization that Lent is something special."
The reflections, which will be distributed via email daily throughout Lent, will be written by a cross section of the St. Thomas community – members of the Office for Mission and Campus Ministry, staff, faculty and students – and reflect on the Lenten readings of the day.
Subscribe online to the daily Lenten reflections email.
Snyder said the daily reflections will appeal to anybody in the St. Thomas community, "but even more broadly they're a way to invite alumni and supporters of St. Thomas to be a part of our campus community."