A total of 18 students are in the fall 2011 Delta Sigma Pi pledge class:
- Steve Beitelspacher
- Taylor Bottolfson
- Jake Bourassa
- Megan Hoffman
- Megan Kelley
- Brianna Kern
- Annelise Keune
- Sam Moulton
- Lynn Nguyen
- Anisa Osman
- Bailey Otis
- Sam Pawlak
- Evan Shrader
- Steve Stark
- Jeff Timm
- Jordan Wick
- Grace Williams
- Banning Young.
The pledges first got to know each other during a retreat earlier this semester at Camp Ihduhapi in Loretto, Minn., where they spent the day bonding through team-building exercises. Since then, weekly meetings have been held to discuss the importance of what it means to be a brother in Delta Sigma Pi.
During the pledging process these students will have held a professional event featuring the CEO-elect of the North Star Resource Group, volunteer at a cystic fibrosis foundation banquet and work at Valley Fair to fundraise to cover expenses.
The fall pledge class hopes to grow professionally throughout the pledging process and develop leadership mentality, priority management and lifelong friendships. Its goals are to initiate all 18 pledges into Delta Sigma Pi and to raise enough funds to cover expenses.