"UST Dining Services would like to thank all of the people that have dined in the Faculty/Staff Dining Room. This includes faculty, staff, visitors, student guests, retirees and most recently participants in the Center for Senior Citizens programs. We have enjoyed serving you over the past years. You made the last Holiday Buffet a success as everyone seemed to enjoy good conversation and good food.
“We are planning to serve some of the signature menu items such as the clubhouse sandwich and the Mandarin chicken salad in The Grill. We also are developing a box lunch menu that can be ordered from The Grill. Watch for a story in Bulletin Today and the menu in January.
"If you need to reserve a dining space, Scooter's has two areas in the dining room that work for small groups. Call Scooter's, (651) 962-6080, or e-mail a staff member: rjwhite@stthomas.edu or dmjensen@stthomas.edu.
“Again, thank you for your patience in this time of transition as we prepare for the new Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex."
~Gayle Lamb
Cash Operations Manager
Dining Services