Do you want to publicize your free events that are open to the public?

Do you want to publicize your free events that are open to the public?

The St. Thomas magazine publishes a calendar on its back page each issue. The next issue will include events that will take place between Feb. 1 and May 1.

If you know of a free event at St. Thomas that is open to the public, please send the information to Pat Nemo, editor. Deadline is Thursday, Dec. 1.

Please follow the format below.

Sept. 19
Father Paul Murray, O.P.
"Is There a Case for Poetry?"
7:30 p.m.
O'Shaughnessy Educational Center auditorium
Info: PHONE NUMBER(Phone numbers are essential.)

If you don't have the specific title of a speech, just include other information and the phone number to call for further information.

The St. Thomas magazine is published three times a year and is sent to more than 70,000 parents, senior-year undergraduates, graduate students, alumni, faculty, staff, donors and friends of the university.