Donate your ACT test prep material to students in need
Remember that standardized test you took to get into college which you studied hours and hours for with an endless supply of study guides and practice tests? Is all that prep material just lying around and taking up space?
You can donate it all to immigrant and refugee students at Lincoln International High School. Students at Lincoln want to take the test, but many of them do not have prep materials. You can donate your old practice tests, booklets and CD-ROMs to give each Lincoln student the greatest chance for success on the ACT test.
St. Thomas students involved in The Changing Faces of Minnesota program are collecting the materials. Donation boxes will be out the week after Thanksgiving break from Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. Boxes will be at the Grill, the Commuter Center and the Student Cafeteria in Murray-Herrick Campus Center, and at the Koch Commons information desk.
If you have questions, please contact Anna Donnelly or Dr. Ellen Kennedy.