Dr. Andre Delbecq to speak at Faith and Work Breakfast April 2
Dr. Andre Delbecq, the McCarthy University Professor at Santa Clara University and director of the Institute for Spirituality of Organizational Leadership, will give the next breakfast talk in a series co-sponsored by the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought of the Center for Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas and St. Olaf Catholic Church.
People of all faiths are welcome.
The 2008-09 Faith and Work Breakfast Series is titled "Sin at Work." Delbecq's topic is: "If 'Pride Goeth Before the Fall,' Are We at the Tipping Point?"
Dr. Andre Delbecq
The event will be held from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Thursday, April 2, in Fleming Hall of St. Olaf Catholic Church, 215 S. Eighth St., Minneapolis.
Are leaders today so filled with hubris and pride that they've lost touch with reason and principle? Do people measure themselves by distorted standards? A pioneer in spirituality and business, Delbecq will help participants navigate the thin line between self-esteem and arrogance in a marketplace that demands confident leadership.
Visit the Santa Clara University Web site for a brief profile on Delbecq.
This is the Faith and Work Breakfast Series' 14th year. The talk on April 2 is the last in a two-year discussion examining human nature at work through a contemporary lens of the Seven Deadly Sins. By raising awareness to the dark side of human nature, participants can heighten their consciousness to the choices they make in living lives of faith at work.
Most people don't see themselves in the extremes of pride, greed, lust or envy that fill today's media sources, but each day at work brings countless situations where employees make choices regarding their actions. Then again, sometimes people don't choose – they react. The series offers tools to be used for choice and action.
The cost of each Faith and Work Breakfast is $20 and includes a continental breakfast. Pre-registration is encouraged.
To make a reservation or for more information, contact Carol Bishop, St. Olaf Catholic Church, (612) 332-7471, Ext. 255.
Information also is available on the St. Olaf Web site. Watch for future events in the Faith and Work Breakfast Series.