School of Education Professor Lynn Stansberry Brusnahan authored an article in TEACHING Exceptional Children as well as an article in the International Journal of Special Education.
Brusnahan co-wrote TEACHING Exceptional Children article, titled “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Teaching Intersectional Self Determination Skills with a Focus on Disability, Social Identity, and Culture,” with School of Education adjunct faculty member Korto Dixon ’12, ’16 MA. In the article, the authors examine intersectionality theory, self-advocacy and how social identities can impact education.
Brusnahan co-wrote the International Journal of Special Education article, “Kuwait Parents’ Attitudes toward Inclusive Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in General Education,” with former student Dr. Hawaa Alshemari ’11 MA, who is now a professor in Kuwait. The authors “investigated the attitudes (i.e., beliefs, feelings, and behavioral intentions) of Kuwaiti parents about providing students with intellectual disabilities (ID) an inclusive education (IE) in general education (GEd) classrooms.”
Brusnahan also authored a chapter in the fifth edition of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Advancing Positive Practices in Education. In the chapter, titled “Services and Supports for Transition from High School to Higher Education,” Brusnahan discusses “evidence-based practices and a variety of models that prepare individuals with autism transitioning from high school to inclusive postsecondary educational experiences at institutes of higher education.”