English Department Conducts ENGL 121 Essay Contest

The English Department is accepting submissions for its annual essay contest, which is open to all University of St. Thomas students enrolled in ENGL 121 Critical Thinking: Literature and Writing during the 2011-12 academic year. One first-place cash prize of $125 and one second-place cash prize of $75 will be awarded to the writers of the best ENGL 121 essays.


  • Papers submitted must have been written for an ENGL 121 class during the 2011-12 academic year.
  • Submissions must respond to literature in some way and should not consist entirely of narrative without reflection.
  • Submissions must include a rough draft that demonstrates substantial revision.
  • No more than two submissions are permitted per student.

A panel of three English Department faculty members will judge the essays.

Format for submission

Essays should be typed, double-spaced, and include a title. Paperclip the formal essay pages together – do not staple – and attach your rough draft to the back. Since it will be judged blindly, do not include your name on the essay itself. Finally, submit a cover sheet that includes your name, the essay title, your instructor’s name, and your UST email address.You have the option of discussing your essay submission with your instructor for revisions and suitability. Submitted essays will not be returned.

The deadline for submission is 3 p.m., Thursday, March 15. Essays can be delivered to the English Department in Room 333, John R. Roach Center for the Liberal Arts.

Questions about the contest can be referred to the English Department, (651) 962-5600. Contest criteria and rules also are available on the English Department website.