English Department's master's essay presentations set for Wednesday
The English Department's fall 2008 master's essay presentations will be given from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 17, in the Koch Commons Fireside Lounge. Appetizers at 4:45 p.m.
Several graduating students will discuss the process of creating and writing their essays. Everyone is welcome; students enrolled in the graduate English program are encouraged to attend and hear from those who have completed this final project.
The program:
- Ursala Chase
"A Subversive Midwife: Oedipal Complex in Jessie Fauset's Plum Bun"
- Andrew De Young
"A Worthy Man and a Rogue: Detectives and Detection in Two Late Victorian Novellas"
- Lindsey Frank
"Emma, or the New Julie: Mary Hays' Revision of Rousseau"
- Joe Henkin
"The Theatre of the De-Universal"
- Rhonda L. Johnson
"Strange Bedfellows: Homophobia, Homosexuality and Religion in Updike's Rabbit Tetralogy"
- Michael Jones
"The Horror of Being a Man: Bram Stoker's Dracula and Monstrous Masculinity"
- Samantha Majhor
"Instances and Interstices: Contemporary Native American Poetry and Language Poetry"
- Erin Mulvany-Mankowski
"Desire for the Moon: O'Neill's Muddling of the Fallen Woman and Mother"
- Andrew Trent
"Natural Forms Versus the Platonic Ideal: Architectural Aesthetics in Worsdworth's The Prelude and Pound's The Cantos"
- Gary Zaugg
"A Feeble and Imperfect Child: Sentimental Themes in The Trial of Alice Clifton"