University of St. Thomas English Professor Dr. Raymond MacKenzie recently had his book translation of Gustave Flaubert’s Sentimental Education published by University of Minnesota Press.

First published in French in 1869, Sentimental Education recounts the life of a young man named Frédéric during the French Revolution. Sentimental Education intertwines the personal, the intimate, and the subjective with the political, social and cultural, embedding Frédéric’s story in the larger arc of what Flaubert saw as France’s decline as a society.
The new translation of Sentimental Education by MacKenzie includes an introduction and annotations to help the modern reader appreciate Flaubert’s achievement.
MacKenzie is a specialist in modern French literature, Catholic literature, and 19th-and 20th-century British literature. MacKenzie has published a number of book translations for French works by authors such as Flaubert, Balzac, Lamartine and Stendahl. For a complete list of his publications, visit his faculty page.