Are you interested in the study of families? Do you come from a family business? Did you know that family businesses are the most common kind of business in the world?
Did you know that the Opus College of Business offers a major in family business? To learn more about the major and two classes that will be offered to all students this spring – ENTR 298: Introduction to Family Business and ENTR 449: Family Business Strategy – attend a family business information session:
- Tuesday, Nov. 9, or
- Tuesday Nov.16
The sessions will be held from noon to 1 p.m. in Room 113, Mc Neely Hall, on the St. Paul campus; lunch will be provided.
To get a sneak peek at the family businesses major, watch the PBS special “All in the Family” and fast-forward to the 19:20 segment. which highlights family business at St. Thomas.
For more information contact Emily Pritchard, (641) 425-3327.