Family Weekend Sept. 27-29 Offers Activities, Great Speakers

The University of St. Thomas Family Weekend is Sept. 27-29. Earlier this month, invitations were sent to the parents and guardians of all undergraduate students. Note to students: All of the events are designed so that you can participate without family members.

A variety of activities are planned, most of which are free for students and their families. Included are favorite traditions:

  • Mass and brunch
  • Parent Network Brat and Chili Fest
  • Tonic Sol-Fa concert
  • Family Reception
  • Specials in the Anderson Student Center

STAR’s University Lectures Committee is sponsoring a Friday evening lecture by actress and activist America Ferrera. (A PBS-sponsored website published in May 2012 offers a brief background on some of Ferrera’s humanitarian and artistic work.) Best known for her part on the ABC TV show “Ugly Betty,” she recently completed work on the film “Chavez,” in which she plays activist Cesar Chavez’s wife, Helen.

Faculty lectures, “A Tradition of Academic Excellence,” will be presented from 9:15 to 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 28:


The weekend schedule will not include a varsity football game; however, it is filled with a variety of activities. Check out the complete schedule and registration information for Family Weekend here. Registration is encouraged for students bringing family and guests to ensure adequate seating.