Feed Our Neighbors food, coat drive extended to Dec. 18
The UST Social Work Club is sponsoring a "Feed Our Neighbors" food and coat drive for the Sabathani Community Center located in Minneapolis.
The drive was scheduled to end Dec. 15 but has been extended until Thursday, Dec. 18.
Drop-off locations include: O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, the Grill, C-Store, Summit Classroom Building, McNeely Hall, Koch Commons and Ireland Hall.
The Sabathani Community Center Walker's Market (food shelf) distributes 393,383 pounds of food a year, witnesses nearly 27,000 visits a year, serves nearly 13,000 individuals a year, 4,400 households a year, and 600 families a month.
Call Sam, (612) 226-9672, for more information.