First conscientious objector of the war in Iraq to speak on Friday
Camilo Mejia served a year in prison in 2004 and 2005 for refusing to return to the war in Iraq. “By putting my weapon down,” he said, “I chose to reassert myself as a human being.” He is the first Iraq war veteran to file for discharge from the army as a conscientious objector.
Come hear Mejia speak about the war and about his experiences at noon Friday, Nov. 4, in the Fireside Room, at the north end of the second floor, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
This talk is sponsored by Students for Justice and Peace, Justice and Peace Studies, Iraq Peace Action Coalition, Veterans for Peace, Anti-War Committee, Anti-war Organizing League, Twin Cities Peace Campaign-Focus on Iraq, Women Against Military Madness and the United Steelworkers Fight Back ’05 Campaign.
For more information, contact Mike Klein, (651) 962-5378.