Last November, School of Education Dean Kathlene Holmes Campbell launched the Dean’s Forum. Building off the work of Teachers College, Columbia University's Racial Literacy Lecture Series, the Dean’s Forum series features candid conversations on race, equity and education.
The first Dean’s Forum of the new school year will take place on the Minneapolis campus at 5 p.m. Tuesday (Opus Hall rooms 201 and 202). Dr. Jan L.H. Frank, an associate professor in the Teacher Education department, will speak on the topic of “On Becoming Stone-Catchers.” “Stone catchers” are people who are actively working against oppressive systems.
“The challenge presented in this forum is that we must all confront ourselves - who we are, what we are saying and doing, what we believe - and be active resisters, interrupters, and ‘stone-catchers,’” Frank said. “I chose this topic because to be actively involved in social justice, equity and inclusion is the focus of my teaching and the personal challenge I have of myself every day.”