Genocide Intervention Network students volunteer at American Refugee Committee

Some members of the UST chapter of the Genocide Intervention Network assist American Refugee Committee staff with outreach efforts and donor communications.

Genocide Intervention Network students volunteer at American Refugee Committee

The Genocide Intervention Network is working for a peaceful resolution to the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, through support of the African Union peace-keeping force and through collaborations with humanitarian relief agencies. The UST chapter supports the work of the American Refugee Committee, headquartered in Minneapolis, which operates a refugee camp in Darfur.

GI-Net members volunteer several times a semester at ARC. Eighteen GI-Net students spent a recent Sunday afternoon assisting ARC staff with outreach efforts and donor communications. 

On Friday, Nov. 3, several GI-Net students will attend ARC's annual fundraiser in Chicago to hear John Prendergast and Jerry Ferrell speak about the current situation in Darfur. Prendergast is a former White House and State Department expert on conflict, human rights, aid and counter-terrorism. Ferrell is the director of ARC's operations in Darfur.

St. Thomas student Tony Bowman, a longtime ARC volunteer, coordinates the ARC-GI-Net collaboration. To participate in this partnership, e-mail Bowman.

To learn more about relief efforts, visit these Web sites:

To learn about the St. Thomas chapter, e-mail Sarah Hogan, student president, or Dr. Ellen Kennedy, faculty adviser.