GPS roundtable on ‘Web Intelligence’ is tomorrow
Graduate Programs in Software is offering “Web Intelligence: A GPS Roundtable” at noon Friday, Oct. 28, in Room 313, O’Shaughnessy Science Hall. Register by calling (651) 962-5504 or e-mail Christine Hansen.
The World Wide Web is a huge set of interlinked hypertext documents residing on computers all over the world. These documents contain text, images, movie files, sounds, Java applets, ActiveX controls, etc. The efficient retrieval and management of this vast source of information is a challenge. In this presentation, Dr. Zhiwei Wang will explain what Web Intelligence is, list some topics studied in WI and provide some examples.
Web Intelligence applies Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced Information Technology (IT) to handle the large and complex supply of information on the Web. One task of WI is the design and development of Intelligent Web Information Systems (IWIS), a system that can perform functions normally associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning and self-improvement. Examples of other topics studied in WI are: Web Information Retrieval, Intelligent Web Agents, Web Mining and Farming, etc.
Linux seminar
A seminar on Linux will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 16 and 17, in Room 333, O’Shaughnessy Science Hall. The cost is $500. Register by calling (651) 962-5504 or e-mail Hansen.
In just over a decade, Linux has evolved from a curiosity known only to some segments of the technical computer community to a viable platform that has attracted the backing and the plaudits of major industry players like IBM, HP, DELL, Oracle and others.
This seminar is a practical introduction to the use of the Linux operating system that focuses on underlying principles and core concepts, making extensive use of hands-on exercises. Participants will gain useful insights into the capabilities of the Linux operating system and will be positioned to become serious users.
Seminar instructor, Marius Tegomoh, has been a software engineer with the UST Graduate Programs in Software, Information Technology and Information Systems, Department since 1996, where he manages and maintains computer hardware and software on multiple platforms and performs system and network administration. He has taught the graduate-level Multimedia course for GPS and is actively involved in many Open Source projects (open source refers to the ability for anyone to look at and modify the code of a piece of software. By giving everyone access to the source code, there is a much larger group of people who can improve the software and do it faster than a smaller group of programmers).