Guardians needed for one hour slots in weekday perpetual Eucharistic adoration
By Paul Monson
This fall, perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place from Monday to Friday in Koch Chapel near the skyway in Koch Commons. Adoration will commence in Koch Chapel after Mass with Father Jeff Huard at 9 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26, in the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Adoration is the exposition of a consecrated host before which an adorer may partake of the divine presence of Christ. The devotion can be compared to kneeling directly at the foot of the cross – at the intersection of time and eternity.
This is a collective student effort to bring Christ’s real presence to the heart of student life during all hours of the week. To do this, at least two guardians are needed per one-hour time slot. Guardians ensure that the Blessed Sacrament is attended at all times.
Sign up as soon as possible and pass the word.
Check out the online schedule and e-mail Paul Monson (at his St. Thomas address) or send an e-mail to his yahoo e-mail account to sign up for a time or ask questions.
Perpetual adoration has come to St. Thomas this fall through the efforts of Catholic Studies, Campus Ministry, Catholic SOULS, and St. Paul’s Outreach.