Health care executives gathering Nov. 7 at UST
The Opus College of Business will hold its first annual UST Executive Conference on the Future of Health Care on Friday, Nov. 7. Health care senior leaders from Mayo Rochester Hospitals, Fairview Health Services, UnitedHealthcare, SMDC, Medtronic, Blue Cross Blue Shield and more will gather to address the most pressing issues of the future regarding health care financing and delivery.
Offered in partnership with Fredrikson & Byron and LarsonAllen, the event will feature nationally renowned speakers from the medical industry and will provide health care executives with the opportunity to engage in dynamic discussions on what they can do to drive change within their organizations.
The conference will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7, on the Minneapolis campus.
Register by visiting or calling (651) 962-4600. Group discounts are available; call for more information.