Kick-off session is July 13 for 'Defining the Medical Arms Race Syndrome' series

Kick-off session is July 13 for ‘Defining the Medical Arms Race Syndrome’ series

The National Institute of Health Policy will host a series of dialogues during the upcoming months to better understand the Medical Arms Race Syndrome (MARS) – the interplay between technological innovation, market forces, the role of government and rising health care costs.

The kick-off event for this series will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, July 13, in the great room, Opus Hall, Minneapolis campus. The title of the session is “Introduction and Launch of the ‘Medical Arms Race Syndrome’: Where Will It Lead and Do We Want to Go There?”

Cost of the kick-off event is $25.

This session will provide a history of decision-making and regulation, as well as the current realities for decision-makers today. The event will end with small work groups, sharing ideas and creating a roadmap for the series.

The series will use NIHP’s neutral, multi-stakeholder forum to highlight the policy barriers and opportunities embedded in the health care technology revolution.  It will culminate in a national conference that will focus on the future of health care organizations and the promise of technology for changing where and how health care is delivered.

Learn more and register on the National Institute of Health Policy Web site.