The Luann Dummer Center for Women invites the St. Thomas community to its next book discussion, which will be held from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1. The Weight of Water, by Anita Shreve, is the selection for discussion.
An review states:
A newspaper photographer, Jean, researches the lurid and sensational ax murder of two women in 1873 as an editorial tie-in with a brutal modern double murder. She discovers a cache of papers that appear to give an account of the murders by an eyewitness. The plot weaves between the narrative of the eyewitness and Jean's private struggle with jealousies and suspicions as her marriage teeters. A rich, textured novel.
Bring a lunch and join in the discussion, even if you have not read or finished the book. The Luann Dummer Center for Women is located in Room 103, O'Shaughnessy Educational Center.