Library today: Databases XRefer and Econlit available on trial basis
Econlit is new and improved with full text. It offers more than 400 journals and more than 500 collective volumes per year, plus books, dissertations and working papers in the field of economics. This trial subscription ends Tuesday, May 15.
XRefer is a resource of reference materials that provides access to about 200 online reference books, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri and books of quotations from a variety of publishers. The database covers both general reference and subject-specific reference titles for a variety of disciplines. It offers cross-referencing across different books and provides a unique, graphics-based research Mapper for topic exploration. In 2003, Xrefer was awarded the Besterman-McColvin medal at the CILIP Gala Awards for an outstanding work of online reference. This trial subscription ends Sunday, May 20.
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