Library today: Take a new look at study spaces in the library
From the staff of the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center
If you haven’t already explored the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center and discovered its “personality” and many little reading nooks and study spaces, we’d like to introduce you to them. As you approach the end of the semester you may find that you’re wishing you knew a little more about this big building and what it has to offer.
As you enter, note these few house rules that pertain to food and drink as well as cell phone usage:
- Limit cell phone use to the lobby area just before you enter the library.
- Once inside the library, don’t use your cell phones – these conversations most often are disruptive and discourteous to others.
- You may eat small snacks in the library and drinks are allowed in covered containers (no glass). If you are in the mood for eating larger amounts (meals), please do so in the area near the tunnel entrance to the library, but not in the library itself.
- The floors at the bottom (sublevel, lower level and first floor) are noisy and suitable for groups and socializing. Everything above the first floor (second floor and up) is a quiet zone for silent study.
Beginning on the fourth floor, you’ll find five group-study rooms along the south and west perimeter. There are sign-up sheets posted outside each of the rooms. If no one has signed up to use the rooms, you are welcome to study solo until a group comes along. On the north end of the fourth floor, you’ll find the Faculty Development office suite and just before that, you’ll see a little reading area that has been dedicated to the memory of Karin Walczak, a longtime and well-loved staff member of the Circulation Department. This space offers a quiet getaway.
On the third floor, you’ll find four more group-study rooms. Three of these rooms are equipped with computers, two are at the south end and two are located on the way to Room 314, one of our computer classrooms at the southeast corner of the library. The Media Resources Collection is located in Rooms 309 and 310 along the north wall of the third floor. There you will find a large selection of videos that you may check out for your personal enjoyment and for your classwork. In the northwest corner of the third floor you’ll find Room 303, a large group-study room equipped with an overhead projector. Room 308 is a smaller room across the hall that contains the Assistive Technology Workstation, which is helpful to patrons with hearing and sight difficulties. All along the west wall you’ll find large tables for study with lots of room to spread out your work.
Our second floor has a large study space with a vaulted ceiling along the east wall – a beautiful room with recently acquired periodicals arranged in alphabetical order. You’ll find many large tables throughout the room. At the south end of this section of the library are the Periodicals and Technical Services offices where you can ask any questions you might have. Our newspaper collection also is located along the south end of the floor as well as microfilm and microfiche holdings. Staff is available at the Periodicals Information Desk to help you become familiar with these features. Along the west wall, there is another section of study tables with room to spread out.
Our first floor is a very active area where you’ll find librarians (to your right as you enter) ready to help you decide upon your research strategies; circulation staff (to your left) helping patrons check out books, technology equipment and reserve materials; reference materials for your research efforts (straight ahead and behind the computer corral); many, many computers for your use as well as a technical support desk. Computers line the west wall that overlooks the library terrace.
On the lower level, you’ll find many more computers and technical staff ready to help you – and you’ll also find an enclosed computer area if you prefer a little quieter environment for your research and writing. There is another group-study room that is equipped with an overhead projector. You can sign up to use this room just like any other group-study room in the library.
On our sublevel, you’ll find more computers as well as many study tables where you can spread out your work.
At any time during your visits to the library, please don’t hesitate to ask for help from any of the library staff. We are here to help you and look forward to your questions and comments.