Master’s Connection on March 8 focuses on importance of mentors
Having a mentor to share insights, wisdom and contacts can be an invaluable source of career development. In addition, being a mentor can offer the fulfillment of aiding the development of the next generation of business leaders.
At the March 8 Master’s Connection networking breakfast, presenter Julie Gerend, MBA ’96, shares stories and insights from her own experiences of mentoring and being mentored. Gerend is an independent consultant specializing in financial services marketing and client service.
As former senior vice president at Peregrine Capital Management, she led the development of national sales and marketing programs and coordinated relationship management efforts for institutional clients nationwide.
This breakfast program will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 8, in Room 201, Opus Hall, Minneapolis campus.
Registration is $5 before Friday, March 3, or $10 after that date or at the door. Call (651) 962-8807 for more information or visit this Graduate Business Career Services Web site to register online.
Master’s Connection is an ongoing program of the College of Business ’ Graduate Business Career Services office. It’s open to current graduate business students, alumni, and friends. The monthly events include a light breakfast, guest speaker, an opportunity to present a 30-second “personal commercial,” and additional networking time.