Matthew Sullivan, who has been described as someone with an “unshakable positive attitude” who “takes a genuine interest in each person he meets,” has been voted the 2012 Tommie Award recipient.
Sullivan, a senior majoring in financial management, has been involved in many aspects of St. Thomas student life, including Undergraduate Student Government, varsity football, the University of St. Thomas Budget Advisory Committee and the executive board for Up 'til Dawn.
Dr. Mary Schmid Daugherty, author of one of Sullivan’s testimonials for the Tommie Award, wrote that Sullivan “has a gift for seeing what is right in people. He has a certain openness and positive spin on life which is infectious.”
Sullivan was chosen by students, faculty and staff from a field of three final candidates. The other two were Jacob Wakem and Kiana Williams.
With the exception of 1945 and 1946, the Tommie Award has been presented annually since 1931 to a St. Thomas senior. The award recognizes achievements in scholarship, leadership and campus involvement, and represents the highest ideals of the university. Past recipients can be viewed on the Tommie Award website.
The Tommie Award is sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs.