Mini-grants available to support programs and research in the underserved/underrepresented health care area
From the Development Office
Mini-Grants Available for Students, Faculty and Staff in Support of Programs and Research in the Underserved/Underrepresented Health Care Area
Mary Jo and Bob Loftus, parents of a current student and an alumnus, generously have given a gift through their nonprofit business, Loftus Care Providers Inc. This gift has been used to establish an endowment fund at St. Thomas called the Loftus Care Provider Inc. Endowment. Funds from the endowment will be used to support a program that will allow mini-grants to be given to faculty, staff and students on campus. In addition to the endowment, the Loftuses have given an outright gift that is allowing the university to make grants this current year for the program.
The Loftuses have been very active in activities that improve access to health care for underserved populations. There are a variety of ways in which the proposed grants could concentrate on different aspects of health care and the access to such care.
This endowment shall be used to support programs and projects at the University of St. Thomas that will improve access to health care for underserved populations. Grants from the fund can focus on a variety of different aspects of health care and access to such health care. Some examples may include, but are not limited to:
- Student projects in engineering that would increase physical access to health care,
- Research in a science program that would have an impact on improving health care access, or
- Social work or counseling projects that work directly with the medically underserved and arranging or providing assistance to them.
For more information and an application, please visit the Office for Mission Web site (upper right corner of page). In addition, you can call Tamara Tesch in the Development Office, (651) 962-6958. The deadline for applications is Friday, Dec. 8.