Need help with finals stress or other anxieties? Online help is available
From Personal Counseling and Testing
With the Thanksgiving holiday practically here, the end of the semester is approaching rapidly. Even with this much-needed break, you already may be feeling anxious about upcoming finals, the long winter break ahead, or even the spring semester. If you find yourself withdrawn, struggling to focus in class, having difficulty with eating or sleeping, or are using alcohol to help cope with stress, then you may be experiencing something more – depression, anxiety or a related disorder.
The St. Thomas Personal Counseling Center provides resources to help you deal with this end-of-semester stress. UST offers its students free online screening for mental health issues (depression, anxiety, eating disorders) and alcohol use. Just visit the Screening for Mental Health Web page and enter the keyword Tommie to take an anonymous self-assessment.
The screenings are completely confidential and provide immediate feedback and information on how to connect with follow-up resources on campus. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the semester's end, be sure to get plenty of rest, eat right, and please consider the resources available through an online screening. The UST Personal Counseling staff is here to listen and to help.