New Ideas for Research and Teaching With Technology workshop set for July 24 and 26
Thinking about ways to incorporate technology with your research or teaching efforts?
The New Ideas for Research and Teaching With Technology workshop, presented by Web and Media Services and the UST Libraries on Tuesday, July 24, and Thursday, July 26, will provide faculty with the opportunity to explore, experience and consider how to apply several new technologies available for those purposes at UST.
The two half-day sessions will include discussions, demonstrations, some hands-on technology opportunities and helpsheet take-aways.
As a result of the workshop experience, attendees also will be asked to develop and submit a description of an assignment, assessment or research activity that could be tried this year. Assistance will be available from participants' academic technology consultant, liaison librarian and other Information Resources and Technologies staff as needed.
The workshop is jointly sponsored by the Center for Faculty Development and Information Resources and Technologies. The only requirements are interest, curiosity and spirit of adventure regarding new technologies and their applications to research and teaching.
Workshop participants will receive a $200 stipend.
To register, e-mail Pat Alexander by Monday, July 9.
Enrollment will be limited to 20 attendees; the workshop will be held in the new Faculty Center for eLearning, Room 102, O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center.