New voluntary programs available to staff for time away from work
Two new voluntary programs -- proposed by UST employees as cost-saving measures this year -- will provide additional opportunities for time away from work.
The Voluntary Unpaid Leave of Absence program, suggested by the Budget Advisory Committee and other employees, is available to all regular full or part-time staff members (except faculty, staff covered by labor contracts, and temporary employees) who work at least 20 hours a week. The program is offered for fiscal year 2010, and applications will be accepted beginning today, June 1.
Intermittent or extended leaves up to eight weeks or four pay periods are available. During a leave, benefits coverage would continue, but pension contributions would be reduced and holiday pay during the leave would not be available. PTL accruals, vacation allotments and earned service credit are not affected by voluntary unpaid leaves.
To apply for a voluntary unpaid leave, submit a Voluntary Unpaid Leave of Absence Form at least 30 days before the proposed start of the leave. The employee's department head and appropriate Academic and Administrative Leadership member will respond to requests within 10 working days of receiving the form.
To print the form and obtain further details about the program, see the Human Resources Department Web site.
The Hourly Employees Purchase Leave Time Program, proposed by St. Thomas' Non-Exempt Staff Council, will provide additional paid time off to eligible employees who need or want a few extra days beyond their normal paid leave time (PTL) accrual.
Only regular full- and part-time hourly employees (except faculty, temporary, term and union employees, because of the nature of their appointments)are eligible to participate in this voluntary program in which employees pay the university for their purchased leave time through pretax payroll deductions taken in equal installments throughout the calendar year.
Full-time employees may purchase time off in full day increments up to five days or 40 hours in a calendar year. Part-time employees may purchase leave time up to the maximum hours in their normal work week.
This program will become available Jan. 1, 2010, with application during the university's Open Enrollment period for benefits in November.
Certain university benefits will be calculated using an employee's reduced annual salary, such as short- and long-term disability, pension contributions, Worker's Compensation, etc. Please consult the EPLT Summary Plan Description for additional information.
Requests to purchase additional leave time must be approved by an employee's immediate supervisors and denoted on the Hourly Employee Purchased Leave Time Salary Reduction Form.
To print the form and obtain further details about the program, see the Human Resources Department Web site.