Nominations for service-learning awards are due April 10

  • Teaching – Outstanding service-learning achievement in a course or courses, demonstrating strong integration of the service-learning efforts into the particular academic discipline and the specific course.
  • Engaging the profession – Presentations and papers about service-learning, particularly within the particular academic discipline.
  • Service – Promoting service-learning at the University of St. Thomas; creating and participating in meaningful social change in the broader community.

Student award
The student award of $100 is based on the following:

Eligibility – This award is open to all full- and part-time undergraduate students at the University of St. Thomas.


  • The service must have been performed as part of a class during the current academic year.
  • The service must have made a significant impact on the student.
  • The service must have provided significant benefits to those served.

To be considered for either of these awards, please submit a letter of application addressing the criteria mentioned above. Self-nominations as well as the nomination of others are encouraged.

Please send the application letter by e-mail to Patty Petersen, Service-Learning Advisory Board, or to Mail # LOR 508 by Monday, April 10. 

The faculty award will be presented at the faculty meeting in May; the student award will be presented at the Undergraduate Honors Convocation in May. Please call Petersen, (651) 962-6412, with any questions.