From the Star Tribune:
For the past two years, the Star Tribune and the Pennsylvania research firm WorkplaceDynamics have set out to identify Minnesota's Top Workplaces.
University of St. Thomas management professor Mick Sheppeck explained how valuable a top workplace can be: "An engaged workforce has a financial return on investment. If the workforce is more satisfied, it will meet more goals." (See last year's report at
If you know of a company, nonprofit or government agency with 50 or more employees that deserves to be considered for this year's Top Workplaces ranking, go to You can also call 612-605-3306.
We need your help identifying those companies. We encourage individuals, employers or employees to nominate their companies and tell us what makes them great places to work. The nominations must be submitted Feb. 24. In June, results will be published online at and in a special print section. Thanks in advance for your help.