Please remember in your prayers Father Ted Guminga, a former associate professor in UST's Sociology Department from 1967 to 1985. Guminga, 69, died April 3 of a heart attack. He had been pastor of St. Hedwig's Catholic Church in northeast Minneapolis since 1973.
The Chicago native attended Nazareth Hall preparatory seminary from 1947 to 1953. He graduated from the St. Paul Seminary with two degrees – a bachelor of arts in philosophy in 1955 and a master of divinity in 1958 – and also held a master's degree in history from the University of Minnesota (1967).
He joined the St. Thomas faculty in 1967 and primarily taught Introduction to Sociology and the Sociology of Religion.
"He was a character – and I mean that in the best sense of the word," said Dr. Peter Parilla, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, who began teaching sociology at St. Thomas in 1982. "He was plain-spoken and a real straight shooter. He was candid with students, and they liked that."
Services were held April 7 at St. Hedwig's. In addition to his sister, Guminga is survived by his mother, Angeline, of Minneapolis; and a brother, George of Cross Lake.