Please remember in your prayers three Mankato students who were killed in a freeway accident
Please remember in your prayers Wesley Loutsch, Jamie Schlachter and Chad Wilson, engineering students from Minnesota State University, Mankato, who died in a freeway accident in Michigan. You can read more about the students on the Star Tribune Web site.
Here is a copy of a letter that the St. Thomas Mini Baja Racing Team sent to Mankato State University:
Dear Minnesota State-Mankato students, faculty, family and friends,
On behalf of the entire University of St. Thomas and the School of Engineering, the UST Mini Baja Racing Team sends its condolences to the family and friends of the recent victims Jamie Schlachter, Wesley Loutsch and Chad Wilson.
We know that words cannot heal the wounded or bring back those who have been taken from us, but we hope that these words can be of some consolation. Our team remembers your students as driven, successful, dedicated and competitive. We recently met with the team in Bloomington at Toro for a Society of Automotive Engineers event. The extreme excitement and dedication of the team was apparent.
It is with great honor that we will place the names of the deceased on our vehicle for the 2005 competition in Troy, Ohio. They will be remembered forever.
May God be with you, your family and your friends during this tragic time.