Host Dr. David Deavel talks with guest Dr. Michael Naughton on how to develop one's professional and personal life. Naughton is the director for the Center for Catholic Studies at St. Thomas and is the author of Getting Work Right: Labor and Leisure in a Fragmented World.
Q. Tell us what the main idea is about getting work right that is the basis for both the book and the article.
A. The thesis of the book is if we're going to get work right, we have to get leisure right. The book is attempting to take this question of leisure and seeing it in relationship to how we see our work.
Q. Why do we need to be thinking more about integration versus balance?
A. Balance often perpetuates the divided life rather than helping you to deal with it. ... "one of the most dangerous errors of our age is the split between our professional work lives and our religious life."
Listen to their conversation here: