Mary Margaret Hoden, special events coordinator in the Develoment Office and adjunct instructor in theology, has been appointed to the marketing committee of the archdiocesan newspaper, The Catholic Spirit. The marketing committee advises the Catholic Spirit staff on issues including circulation, audience, content and design.
Dr. Bonnie Holte Bennett, Graduate Programs in Software and Quantitative Methods and Computer Science Department, participated in the Governor's Citizen Nominating Task Force, reviewing applicants for science and technology board positions.
Dr. Thomas Sturm, Quantitative Methods and Computer Science, presented two robotics classes Jan. 28 as part of Kids College at Gleason Lake Elementary in Wayzata. The classes included demonstrations and hands-on exercises with six robots from his robotics lab. Sturm also refereed the First Lego League of Minnesota robotics competition at Benilde-St. Margaret's High School Jan. 21. Press coverage included a front-page article in the Eagan Sun Current.