Dr. Shahid Alvi, Sociology Department, is co-author with Walter DeKeseredy and M.D. Schwartz of "Curbing Women Abuse and Poverty: Is Marriage the Cure?" to be presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology Nov. 18-22 in Denver.
Dr. Winston Chrislock, History Department, is the author of a chapter, "Cleveland Czechs" (pages 77-134) in Identity, Conflict & cooperation: Central Europeans in Cleveland, 1850-1930 (Cleveland, Ohio: Western Reserve Historical Society, 2002). The book's editors are David Hammack, Diane Grabowski and John Grabowski. The volume is the result of a collaboration of a team of scholars from Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and the United States that was 15 years in the making. The work explores how Polish, Slovak, Czech, Magyar, Slovenian and Croatian immigrants worked to build communities in Cleveland, sometimes cooperating with one another and sometimes engaging in ethnic strife. With the exception of Chrislock, who is not Czech, work on each ethnic group was done by a member of that group.
Dr. John Conbere, Organization Learning and Development Department, recently attended to annual Association of Conflict Resolution board meeting and conference in Orlando, Fla. He was re-elected to the ACR board of directors and also was co-presenter, with Professor Lisa Bingham of Indiana University, of a session involving the reporting of the first year's data from the evaluation of the alternate dispute-resolute programs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Dr. John Holst, School of Education, is the author of a chapter, "Class and Schooling in Post-World War II United States of America: A Survey of Major Features," in the book Yesterday's Dreams: International and Critical Perspectives on Education and Social Class (Canterbury University Press).
Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development Department, was the keynote speaker at the joint conference of the International Association of Special Investigation Units and the Anti-Vehicle Crime Association in Madison, Wis. The title of Kusy's presentation was "Negotiation Psyche: Yours and Theirs."
UST's Mathematics Department was well-represented at the Oct. 17 annual conference of the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Dr. Melissa Shepard was co-chair of the conference, and Dr. Heekyung Youn gave a presentation, "Actuarial Science as an Application of Mathematics." Dr. Jeff McLean also attended, along with a number of St. Thomas students and alumni who now are teachers in Minnesota.
Diane Matson, Accounting Department, recently presented a paper, "Accountability and Evidence Evaluation in Two Auditing Tasks," at the annual meeting of the Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Section of the American Accounting Association. The conference was in Denver.
Dr. Paul Schons, Modern and Classical Languages Department, is the author of an article, "Maria-Louise Kaschnitz," in the November issue of the newsletter of the Germanic-American Institute of Minnesota. The article is Schons' 75th consecutive monthly article on German, Austrian and Swiss cultural history published by the institute. During the last six years, Schons has published articles with the institute on a wide variety of topics, including German history, literature, music, philosophy, theology, business, economics and geography.
Dr. Kevin Theissen, Geology Department, was invited to give a lecture for the Quaternary Paleoclimatology Seminar at the University of Minnesota Oct. 22. The lecture, "A 25,000-Year Paleoceological Record From Lake Titicaca, South America," was given in support of Theissen's recent submission of a manuscript with the same title reporting on his findings using lipid molecular fossils to explore past ecological and climate change in the central Andes of South America.
Richard Welch Jr., Engineering Department, presented a four-hour tutorial and two papers at the Oct. 12-16 conference of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and the Industrial Automation Society. The tutorial was titled "Continuous, Dynamic and Intermittent Thermal Operation in Electric Motors." The papers' titles were "Improving the Dynamic Motion Behavior of a Servo System With Low Mechanical Stiffness" and "Why an Increase in Motor-Operating Temperature Doesn't Result in Higher Torque Output." Recently, Welch became a senior IEEE member.