Dr. Sharon Gibson, Organization Learning and Development Department, is the author of a peer-reviewed article, "Social Learning (Cognitive) Theory and Implications for Human Resource Development," in the May issue of Advances in Developing Human Resources (Vol. 6, No. 2, pages 193-210).
Dr. Kenneth Goodpaster, Koch Endowed Chair in Business Ethics, is the author of an article, "Ethics or Excellence? Conscience as a Check on the Unbalanced Pursuit of Organizational Goals," in the March/April issue of Ivey Business Journal. He also is co-author of an article, "A Baldrige Process for Ethics?" with research associate T. Dean Maines and Arnold Weimerskirch, 3M Thwaits Fellow in St. Thomas Department of Engineering and Technology Management; the article appears in the April issue of Science and Engineering Ethics. Goodpaster and Maines will speak at a conference, Voluntary Codes of Conduct for Multinational Corporations, May 13-15 at Baruch College of the City University of New York. They will participate in a session devoted to the Caux Round Table, "Principles for Business." Their remarks will present research on processes companies can utilize to make codes like the Caux Principles effective in organizational life.
UST students Ingrid Johnson and Ruth Dass attended "Finding Your Voice," a student conference sponsored by Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch April 16 at the State Capitol. The conference topic was student leadership in government and community settings.
Dr. Anne Klejment, History Department, took part in the American Catholic Historical Association spring meeting at St. Thomas University in Miami. She served as chair and commentator for two session, one on women religious and healing, and another on Catholicism in the Spanish borderlands.
Dan Taylor, Facilities Scheduling, has been elected to a two-year term as treasurer of the Association of Collegiate Conference and Events Directors-International. The association, founded in 1980, has more than 1,300 members.
Dr. John Wendt, College of Business, is the author of an article, "Notorious," in Picturing Justice, the Online Journal of Law and Popular Culture at the University of San Francisco School of Law. The journal examines how the law and lawyers are portrayed in the movies, on TV, in novels and elsewhere in popular culture. Wendt's article looks at Alfred Hitchcock's classic film "Notorious," the the Patriot Act and the interplay of patriotism and the spy game.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Engineering and Technology Management Department, was chosen to serve as "Principal for a Day" April 15 at North High School in Minneapolis, where he visited classes, shared experiences with teachers and counselors and "had the great good fortune to finally learn English grammar from a superb teacher, Mr. Jim Long." Zimmerman said he "attended a one-room school when English grammar had not yet been invented." On April 17, he was the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club, and organization oriented to the heritage of the Hudson Motor Car Company, an early automobile producer. Hudsons were manufactured from 1910 to 1954; at one time, Hudson was larger than the Chrysler Corp. Zimmerman wrote a case history of Hudson's demise in his book, The Turnaround Experience (McGraw-Hill, 1991).