Professional notes
Katherine Faricy, UST Music Institute for Piano Pedagogy, was invited to give a lecture and demonstration, "The Pedagogy of Artistic Pedaling," at the annual national conference of the Music Teachers National Association April 1-6 in Seattle. Her book, Artistic Pedal Technique (Frederick Harris, 2003), has gone into a second printing. Faricy also gave a presentation, "Topics and Styles in Classical Music," to the South Suburban Piano Teachers Association in March and a lecture-demonstration for the Wisconsin St. Croix Valley Teachers Association in April.
Amy Gaviglio, senior biology major, and Dr. Jennifer Cruise, Biology Department, attended the 117th annual meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, held at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Gaviglio's presentation about her research, "Effects of Rap1 on the Small G Proteins Rac1 and cdc42: A Possible Role for Rap1 in Cell Cycle Control," won the John C. Johnson Award for best poster, presented by the regional chapter of Beta Beta Beta, the national biology honor society.
Dr. Lisa Rezac, Mathematics Department, and junior Nicole Lanie presented their research on the classification of planar patterns and connections to mathematical symmetry in Arabic designs at the spring conference of the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics April 29-30 in Duluth. They also provided related activities to be used in K-12 and undergraduate geometry courses. This research followed after Lanie's participation in the January Term 2004 course Arabesque: Mathematical Symmetry in Southern Spain. Rezac and Dr. Cheri Shakiban will offer this UMAIE course again next January. Lanie and fellow student Alena Peterson also attended the MCTM CONNECT (Committee to Orient and Network New/Novice Educators into a Community of [Math] Teaching) program April 28. The event welcomed new and future teachers into the MCTM community and helped them plan to make their conference attendance successful.