Professional notes
Dr. Jean Giebenhain, Psychology Department, recently received the Walter D. Mink Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award from the Minnesota Psychological Association. The statewide award is given annually to an undergraduate psychology professor who has demonstrated outstanding performance as a classroom teacher and an influence in encouraging student interest in the field of psychology. Giebenhain has taught psychology at St. Thomas for 22 years, was department chair for eight years and has received the Global Citizenship Award, the Ally Award and the Women's Leadership Award here at St. Thomas.
Dr. Meg Wilkes Karraker, Sociology and Criminal Justice Department, presented "Competition, Conflict, Accommodation and Assimilation: Applications of Robert Park's Social Processes to International Immigration" at the annual meetings of the British Sociological Association last month in Harrogate, England. She also consulted with the Sociology and Women's Studies programs at the University of Limerick regarding deeper exchanges between those programs and St. Thomas.
Dr. Bruce Kramer, School of Education, has two articles, "Democracy and Democratic Leadership" and "Ethics," in the recently published Sage Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. The Sage Encyclopedia is a peer-reviewed publication, and Kramer also served on its editorial board.
Dr. John Wendt, College of Business, is co-author with Dr. Steven Tippins of Roosevelt University of "Risk Management and Sports Marketing," an article published by the Business Journal for Entrepreneurs. Wendt also wrote an article, "The 2006 Olympic Games – Adventures in Torino," published in Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, a publication of the American Bar Association.