Professional Notes
Dr. Ron Bennett, School of Engineering, recently was named executive director for the Minnesota Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. With a passion for engineering education, Bennett sees the "mission of the center to prepare students to meet the needs of Minnesota industry. Minnesota's economic strength begins with education."
Dr. Sanjeev Bordoloi, Opus College of Business (Decision Sciences Department), conducted a special seminar on current teaching methods in operations management with the faculty of the Assam Institute of Management on May 19 in Guwahati, India. AIM is a leading business school in the state of Assam in India.
Dr. Pamela Nice, Center for Faculty Development, is the creator of a documentary, "Dreaming in Morocco," which was shown in August at the Bayou City Film Festival in Houston. The film will have another showing this September at the Global Peace Film Festival in Orlando, Fla.
Susan Price, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, is the author of Northern Treasure: The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and Horticultural Research Center, her third book, published by the Afton Historical Society Press. The book is a lavishly illustrated centennial tribute to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and represents three years of research and writing. This new work, along with Susan's first two books, Minnesota Gardens: An Illustrated History and Growing Home, Stories of Ethnic Gardening, are in the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center collection. Northern Treasure also is available at local bookstores.