Professional Notes

Professional Notes

Dr. Sanjeev Bordoloi, Opus College of Business (Decision Sciences Department), presented a paper, "Improving Hospital Operational Efficiency by Appropriate Capacity Comparison," at the national conference of the Decision Sciences Institute Nov. 21-24 in Baltimore.

Dr. Kathryn Combs and Dr. John Spry, Opus College of Business (Finance Department), presented the paper, “Who Plays the Numbers Games in the Middle of the Day,” at the 101st annual taxation conference of the National Tax Association Nov. 20-22 in Philadelphia. Combs also served as a discussant for two papers at the conference. Spry served as moderator for the session on Land, Homes, and Timeshares: Tax Incidence and Amenity Capitalization. He also served as a discussant for four papers at the conference.

Dr. Derrin Pinto, College of Arts and Sciences (Modern and Classical Languages Department), published an article, “Passing greetings and interactional style: A cross-cultural study of American English and Peninsular Spanish,” in the latest issue of Multilingua, an international journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication. The article can be found at

Dr. Shirley Polejewski, Opus College of Business, presented a paper,"Leading Cost Accounting Students on a Journey from Naive Analysis to Realistic Analysis," last month in Paris. In addition to presenting the paper, Polejewski reviewed three papers and moderated a session at the 20th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accountings Issues.

Dr. John Wendt , Opus College of Business, and Dr. John Miller of Texas Tech University are the authors of an article titled, "Herpes Gladiatorum in Interscholastic Athletics: Legal Considerations for Coaches and Administrators" that has been accepted for publication by the Franklin Business & Law Review Quarterly Journal.

Tatha Wiley , College of Arts and Sciences (Theology Department), is the author of Creationism and the Conflict Over Evolution, which was published by Cascade Companions.