Professional Notes
George Baboila, School of Social Work; Dr. Patricia Stankovitch, Graduate School of Professional Psychology; and Jennifer Wright, School of Law, presented "Three Silos and a Skyway" at the 23rd annual Midwest Clinical Law Conference Nov. 14 in Bloomington, Ind. They presented a unique model of interprofessional collaboration – the "collaborative and independent" model adopted at St. Thomas' Interprofessional Center for Counseling and Legal Services (including law, psychology and social work). The goal of the presentation was to assist others interested in interprofessional collaboration by sharing their learning about what works and what to watch out for, including the costs, challenges, demands and benefits of this relatively unusual structure.
Dr. Mark Neuzil, College of Arts and Sciences (Communication and Journalism Department), is the author of an article, "The Nature of Media Coverage: Two Minnesota Fires," published in the fall 2008 issue of Forest History Today, a publication of the Forest History Society. The article examines the media coverage of the Great Hinckley Fire of 1894 and the Ham Lake Boundary Waters fire of 2007.