UST Geology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, faculty and students presented the results of their ongoing research at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 13-17, in San Francisco. Dr. Jennifer McGuire was an author or co-author of four conference presentations, including her lead-author work, “Evidence of Linked Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes in Homogeneous and Layered Vadose Zone Systems.” Dr. Kevin Theissen was an author or co-author of two conference presentations, including his lead-author work, “The Changing Trophic Status of Shallow Minnesota Lakes: Evidence from Stable Isotopic and Biological Proxies.” Undergraduate Lucas Olson presented his work (with McGuire), “Rates of BTEX Biodegradation Under Nitrate Reducing Conditions in Wetland Sediments Impacted by Contaminated Groundwater.” Undergraduates Ben Czeck, Maverick Deschamp and Sean Hagen presented their research (with Theissen), “Can We Use Redox-Sensitive Elements to Indicate Past Stable-State Transitions?” Undergraduate Jill Schleicher presented results of her summer research at Oregon State University, titled “Effects of Small-Scale, High-Frequency Ocean Variability on Surface Material Transport in the Coastal Ocean.” Research by all Geology faculty and students is supported by the National Science Foundation; travel for the students was largely supported by generous UST URCS Travel Grants.
Ryan Barland, an art history graduate student, is the author of a review of Seán Keating in Context: Responses to Culture and Politics in Post-Civil War Ireland (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2010), published in the current issue of New Hibernia Review, the journal of Irish Studies published by the UST Center for Irish Studies. Barland concludes that the volume presents the painter Keating as “the face of Irish art between 1924 and 1972.” The full review may be accessed through Project Muse.
Dr. Mark DelCogliano, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of “Cistercian Monasticism in the Silver Age: Two Texts on Practical Advice,” published in Cistercian Studies Quarterly 45 (2010): 421–452.
Dr. Peter Feldmeier, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of Encounters in Faith: Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue, published by Anselm Academic (2011).
Dr. Ameeta Jaiswal-Dale, Finance Department, Opus College of Business, presented her research paper, “Demonstrating the implementation of AACSB’s AOL Process in a Derivative Finance course,” in January, at the International Business and Economy Conference annual meeting in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Dr. Anne Klejment, History Department, College of Arts and Sciences, delivered a paper, “The Nonviolence of Dorothy Day and Cesar Chavez,” in January at the joint meeting of the American Historical Association and the American Catholic Historical Association in Boston. Her paper was part of a session titled “Twentieth-Century American Catholicism Addresses the Social Question: Three Vignettes.” Klejment also serves on the ACHA’s executive council.
Lisa Montpetit Brabbit, assistant dean at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, was named to the board of directors for Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The board provides overall leadership and direction for Catholic Charities, which annually serves 37,000 people, regardless of faith, by meeting their most basic needs.
Dr. Shirley Polejewski, Accounting Department, Opus College of Business, is the author of an article, "Sustainability Accounting and Reporting," that has been accepted for publication in the spring 2011 issue of the Accounting Instructor's Report.
James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies, is the author of three poems in a collection titled Dogs Singing: A Tribute Anthology, published in November by Salmon Press of County Clare, Ireland. The collection comprises poems about dogs, chiefly by Irish writers; proceeds will benefit animal rescue services in Thailand and in Ireland. Rogers reports that his cocker spaniel is unimpressed all the same. He also is the author of a chapter titled “Edwin O’Connor’s Language of Grace” published in Breaking the Mould: Literary Representations of Irish Catholicism, an essay collection edited by Eamon Maher and Eugene O’Brien. The book is a title in the “Reimagining Ireland” series published by Peter Lang.
Dr. Dan Tight, Modern and Classical Languages Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of an article, “Perceptual Learning Style Matching and L2 Vocabulary Acquisition,” published in the December 2010 issue of Language Learning.
Dr. Lisa Waldner, Sociology and Criminal Justice Department, College of Arts and Sciences, co-presented, with Betty Dobratz, Iowa State University, and Stephanie Shanks-Meile, Indiana University Northwest, “Terrorism and White Separatists in the U.S.A.: A Look at Leaderless Resistance,” at the World Congress of Sociology, July 11-17, Gothenburg, Sweden.