Dr. Elise Amel, Psychology Department, and Dr. Jay Erstling and Susan Marsnik, Legal Studies in Business Department, have been invited to participate in the Huber Hurst Research Seminar, presenting their ongoing research on jury bias in civil trials using a sexual harassment trial simulation. Their paper was one of 10 selected for this intensive research seminar at the University of Florida in February 2001.
UST students Aaron Ames and Colleen Duffy, and their teacher, Dr. Cheri Shakiban, Mathematics Department, attended the Argonne National Laboratory Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics Nov. 3-4 in Chicago. Ames presented a paper, "Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Invariant Euclidean Signatures Curves," and Duffy presented her paper, "Stability of Structures."
Dr. Steven Hartlaub, Modern and Classical Languages Department, has had a book review accepted for publication in the French Review. The book is Fictions du Scandale: Corps Féminin et Réalisme Romanesque (1998) by Nathalie Buchet Rogers. The review will appear in February 2001.
Dr. Thomas Hickson, Geology Department, taught a short course for a group of 17 graduate students and two faculty members from the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Nov. 6. The course, "Experimental Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, UW-Madison Geology Visit to the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory," provided participants with hands-on exercises using real experimental data. The exercises were designed toodemonstrate how experiments could help bridge the gab between theoretical and field-based geological problems. The course was taught at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, a hydraulics and environmental geophysics lab at the University of Minnesota.
Dr.Bruce Kramer and Dr. Don LaMagdeleine, School of Education, presented papers at the national conference of the University Council of Educational Administrators earlier this month in Albuquerque, N.M. Their papers, "Leadership and Democracy in the New Millennium: Lessons From a Suburban 'Math War'" and "A Day in the Life of an Assistant Principal: Deweyan Lessons in Leadership," were will received.
Cindy Lavorato, School of Education, gave a presentation, "Child Protection Laws: Enforcement and Practices," at the ninth annual School Law Conference sponsored by the Minnesota State Bar Association continuing legal education organization Nov. 3.
Dr. William Ojala, Chemistry Department, is co-author of a paper, "Synthesis and Dopamine Receptor Modulating Activity of Novel Peptidomimetics of L-Propyl-L-leucyl-glycinamide Featuring alpha, alpha-Disubstituted Amino Acids," published in Vol. 42 of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Ojala performed an X-ray crystal structure analysis described in the paper.
Dr. Lucy Payne, Dr. Jeff McLean and Dr. Lisa Johnson, Mathematics Department; Dr. Dorrie Tonnis, School of Education; Dr. Tom Tommet, Physics Department, and Dr. Lynn Hartshorn, Chemistry Department, attended the sixth-annual Transforming Teacher Education conference sponsored by SciMathMN. The two-day conference focused on Minnesota changes in teacher licensing, new models of professional development for teachers and other projects and issues in mathematics and science education. Tonnis participated on a panel on the Teacher Research Network; Payne gave a presentation on the UST-Science Museum of Minnesota Teacher Center Project; Payne and Tonnis also gave a joint presentation on the INTASC portfolio.