David Baker and Peter Bicanich, Graduate School of Business, and Steve Restad and Liz Schmitt, University Relations, gave presentations at the National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals conference April 26 in Scottsdale, Ariz. Baker and Bicanich's presentation was titled "Growing an MBA Program." Restad and Schmitt spoke on "'Brand Aids' That Stick: Effective Marketing Communications in Ads, Publications and the Web."
Dr. William Banfield, Endowed Chair in Humanities and Fine Arts, recently was selected by the Mobile (Ala.) Museum of Art, Mobile Opera and Symphony, and the National Museum Lone Network for a partnership and series of commissoned works to celebrate the museum's expansion and to commemorate Mobile's 300th anniversary in 2002. Banfield, who also is a W.E.B. Dubuois Fellow at Harvard University, gave a lecture on his work April 11 at Harvard's Barker Humanities Center. During his residency he researched and completed two new operas, "Soul Gone Home," based on text by Langston Hughes, and "Gertrude Stein Invents a Jump," which will be in workshop in Washington, D.C., this summer and produced for the 2002 season by New York City's Encompass Opera Theater. Banfield and three UST American Cultural Studies faculty colleagues -- Dr. Andy Scheiber, English Department; Dr. Sonia Feigenbaum, Modern and Classical Languages Department; and Dr. Bernard Armada, Communication Department -- attended the joint Associations of American and Popular Culture conference April 12-14 in Philadelphia, where they presented papers.
Dr. Mel Gray, Graduate School of Business, recently gave a recent presentation, "The Arts Industry: Something Special, or Just Some More NAICS Codes?" to faculty, students and staff of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. There he also served as a resource for several students writing their master's theses. He also was co-presenter in the session, "Business Decision Making for Nonprofit Organizations," at the annual meeting of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management in Cleveland. His topic was "Pricing Decisions for Nonprofit Managers."
The Rev. Jan Michael Joncas, Theology Department, is the author of an article, "Welche Aufgaben stellen sich Kirchenmusikern in neuen Jahrstausent," in the journal Bibel und Liturgie (Vol. 74, No. 1, 2001, pages 6-12).
Dr. Anne Klejment, History Department, presented a paper, "Women as Insiders and Outsiders in the Church: Dorothy Day and Sister Thea Bowman," at the joint meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association and the Canadian Catholic Historical Association April 6 at the University of St. Michael's College of the University of Toronto.
Dr. Lorman Lundsten and Dr. Dave Brennan, Marketing Department, presented a paper, "The Changing Structure of Minnesota Retailing," at the Minnesota Academy of Science meeting April 28 at the University of St. Thomas.
David Nimmer, retired from the Journalism and Mass Communication Department, recently received the David L. Graven Award for lifetime contributions to Minnesota journalism from the Premack Memorial Lecture Board. The annual Premack Memorial Lecture and awards program is sponsored by the Minnesota Journalism Center at the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Nick Nissley, Organization Learning and Development Department, organized and led a symposium, "The Trapeze Artist, the Museum and the Organization Development Practitioner: A Case Study of Analogically Mediated Inquiry," at the Midwest Academy of Management's annual meeting April 19-21. The symposium was based on research Nissley is conducting with the Toledo Museum of Art's "Art and the Workplace" program, a partnership betwetween the museum and local businesses. The program is an example of arts-based learning in management education -- the focus of Nissley's present teaching and research interests.
Sister Katarina Schuth, O.S.F., St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, gave a keynote address, "Encouraging One Another in Comfort and Afflication" at the National Catholic Education Association's Seminary Department Convention recently in Milwaukee. The school's Rev. Philip Rask, Dr. Jeanne McLean and Sister Paul Therese Saiko also attended the convention.
Dr. Susan Webster, Art History Department, is the author of an entry, "Spanish art, patronage and collecting of," in the Oxford Companion to Western Art (Oxford University Press, 2001). Her article, "The Confraternity of the Holy Sacrament and the Church of El Sagrio in Quito, Ecuador," was published in the spring issue of the journal, Confraternitas (Vol. 12, No. 1).
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Manufacturing Systems and Engineering Department, gave a keynote address, "The Industrial Economy Looking Forward," to the Minnesota Career Development Association April 18. Zimmerman and his wife, Joanell, add a personal note: On April 18 and 19, they attended the National Catholic Education Conference where their youngest son, Hans, sang with the Benilde-St. Margaret High School Choir. On April 22, Hans made his confirmation at the Cathedral of St. Paul. The Zimmermans thank the many members of the St. Thomas community who have prayed for Hans during his 15-year battle with cancer. "He is doing better," they add, "but don't stop!"