Dr. Heino Beckmann, Graduate School of Business; Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development Department; Dr. Rawlie Sullivan, Marketing Department; and Dr. Gene Scapanski, School of Continuing Studies, presented a seminar May 21-25 in international business and leadership for 71 business executives in Croatia. The program, jointly sponsored by the Management Center and the School of Continuing Studies, was done in partnership with Global Systems, a Croatian educational firm. Held in Split, Croatia, this program has received endorsement from the Mayor's Office in Split for similar future educational programs.
Joe Landsberger, Learning Center, is a columnist for Tech Trends, the peer-reviewed magazine of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. The first of his "E-Design for Learning" columns appeared in the May-June issue; it covered his Web site, "Study Guides and Strategies." The index page of the site has traffic of about 1,000 hits per day for traffic approaching 2 million hits per year. The July-August column will feature the winner of the University of Minnesota's design competition, for which he was a judge. "Alien Rescue," developed at the University of Texas, Austin, is a problem-based, terrestrial learning environment for sixth graders in CD-based multimedia format. The program explores astronomy and the galaxy, and challenges learners to understand scientific terms and concepts, scientific procedure and budget restrictions in order to resolve the quandary. Landsberger also will co-edit the September-October Tech Trends issue that will provide historical and technical perspectives on the development of regional symposia using the Classrooms of the Future annual symposium as an example of successful development. COTF is sponsored by the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities, the consortium of Augsburg College, Hamline University, Macalester College, the College of St. Catherine, and the University of St. Thomas.
Dr. Lorman Lundsten and Dr. Dave Brennan, Marketing Department, presented papers on "The Changing Structure of U.S. Retailing" and "Retailer Success in Competing With Discounters" at the eighth Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference June 18 in Vancouver, Canada.
Dr. Nick Nissley, School of Education, recently was a guest with Steve Gottwal on WJON's St. Cloud Diocese radio show, "Conversation." He spoke about his work with developing collaboration in parish ministry through "appreciative storytelling."