Dr. Sarah Armstrong, Counseling and Career Services, also directs St. Thomas' American Psychological Association-approved pre-doctoral internship program in psychology. She presented a workshop, "Developing Standards for Diversity Training at Psychology Internship Sites," at the annual meeting of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies in California. Armstrong, who has served on several ACCTA committees and has given five presentations at the organization's annual meetings, was awarded a certificate of appreciation for her outstanding contributions to ACCTA and for her work on the 2001 Conference Planning Committee.
Dr. Steven Brookfield, School of Education, has received the 2001 Leadership Award of the Association for Continuing Higher Education of North America. This is the highest honor ACHE bestows; it is given for "extraordinary contributions to the field of continuing education on a national and international level."
Dr. Benjamin Korstvedt, Music Department, presented a paper, "The Bruckner Society of America and Its Journal Chord and Discord," at an Oct. 5 conference, "Bruckner Research Between Idolatry and Ideology," sponsored by the International Bruckner Gesselschaft in Gmunden, Austria. At the conference Korstvedt also served as a panelist in a round-table discussion about the Bruckner Collected Works Edition, of which he is a contributing editor.
Dr. Melissa Lamb, Geology Department, gave a talk, "The Arc Mess Monster: Paleozoic Sedimentation, Volcanism and Tectonics in Southern Mongolia," Oct. 18 to the University of Minnesota-Duluth Geosciences Department.
Dr. Nick Nissley, Organization Learning and Development Department, gave a presentation, "The Art of Intercultural Education," with Sandra Fowler and Fanchon Silberstein at annual conference of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research. The presentation explored how arts-based learning may serve as a valuable adjunct to more-traditional means of intercultural education. The presenters assert, "Arts-based learning is not the domain of one national culture; ... instead, arts-based learning allows us to cross boundaries of nations and cultures."
Dr. Thomas Redshaw, English Department and Center for Irish Studies, spoke at the Sept. 29 memorial Mass for Professor Sean Lucy at Loyola University. Lucy, 70, was a lecturer, scholar and poet long connected with University College, Cork, Ireland and with Irish studies at Loyola, the Newberry Library and the Irish Cultural Center in Chicago. He died July 25 in Chicago, and his ashes were scattered at Gougane Barra, County Cork, Ireland. Among other speakers at the Mass was David Gardiner, a St. Thomas alumnus who teaches at Creighton University.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Programs in Engineering and Technology Management, was a keynote speaker twice on Oct. 15. His first talk, "The Economy After Sept. 11," was on the St. Louis Park Rotary Club agenda, he said, "Right after the report on the poinsettia sale and an announcement by the president of the club that those with appointments were free to go." The second event was at a large-user conference of TriMin Systems, the makers of a prominent manufacturing software system. The title of Zimmerman's talk was "Manufacturing: America's Forgotten Fortress." "This was a nicer audience," Zimmerman said, "because some of them could weld."